Monday, December 6, 2010

Macro Examples

Aperture Terms

Aperture/ F-stop - F-Stop is the ratio of focal length to the aperture. this controls how much light enters and how much of the photograph will be in focus.

Aperture Priority - A setting on automatic cameras which allows the photographer to set a desired aperture leaving the camera to use the appropriate shutter speed.

Ambient Light - Available lighting in the environment

Artificial Light - Set by the photographer to achieve the desired effect

ASA/ISO/Film Speed - Controls the speed at which the film absorbs light, higher ISOs will absorb light at a higher rate, but as film speed increases the images will begin to grow grainy and the quality will lessen

Bracket - the technique of taking multiple shots of the same subject using different settings, often used in images where it is difficult to obtain a satisfactory image

Depth of Field - the Amount of the photograph that can be put in focus based on aperture

Exposure Triangle - Talks of the three main elements of exposure; being ISO, shutter speed, and aperture

How to control depth of field - Setting the aperture to allow the desired focus

Light Meter - A device which measures the available light and will tell the photographer which shutter or aperture to use based on their choice of the other